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What is the Soul?
The Soul is a nexus of connections to all of the planes of existence. Every soul is formed when the Living Realm, the Spirit Realm, the Dream Realm, the Magic Realm, and the Soul Realms have all aligned in a way that all of them intersect. That intersection creates a massive outpouring of all known types of energy, and when the realms move away from each other, they leave behind a number of new souls. This is a natural process of the world and is not controlled by any entity.

The Soul is born with an intelligence of its own, and new souls do not have much of it. Souls, by themselves, are simply observers of the world around them. They appear to most as a glowing ball of light formed by an infinite amount of colors. And while they can be observed through all the senses one might have, they cannot be directly interacted with, nor can the soul interact with the world. Where the soul is born it remains.

However, souls do have the choice to become more than they are. This choice is allowed due to the soul’s inherent ability gather ambient Spiritual Energy from the world around them, typically from within the Spirit or Living Realm, as these two realms have the most of this type of energy freely available. The soul can use this absorbed energy to form or attach to a body. This energy is typically stored up over many incarnations and lifetimes. Once the energy is absorbed into the soul, it is protected, it cannot be stolen or harnessed by an external force. Only the soul can spend its own Spiritual Energy. The more Spiritual Energy the soul has, the greater its own sentience and intelligence can be, allowing it to form or join more advanced forms of life.

The first type is Conception. When a living being goes through the act of conceiving, be it the creation of a fertilized seed, egg, or through more typical mating, there is always that moment where the new being is conceived. This moment releases a large (proportionate to the being) amount of Spiritual Energy through the Spirit Realm, calling out for a soul. First soul to answer follows the energy back to the source, and claims the newly formed body for itself. This style is the most common because it uses the least amount of Spiritual Energy for the soul, and actually grants it more.

The second type is Spawning. Spawning is when the soul spends massive amounts of its Spiritual Energy to form a living, physical body of its own. This method is the most cost intensive style for a soul, and it is how every single living species came into existence for the first time. And once the first of a species is formed, it is seemingly easier for other souls to Spawn as that species too, until Conception is possible for it.

The third type is Spiritualizing. Spiritualizing is when the soul spends a moderate amount of its Spiritual Energy to create more ethereal body of its own. This creates the body for all of the ghosts and spirits that are known in the world. As ghosts are not alive, they can only inherently gain Spiritual Energy in the Spirit Realm. And not being alive also means they must continuous spend Spiritual Energy to maintain their ghost form, unless they revert back to a Soul. However, this has led to a development in ghosts and spirits that has led to them specializing and differentiating themselves from one another. Ghosts and Spirits are able to actively absorb Spiritual Energy from other sources so as to maintain their spiritual body and store extra within their soul for safe keeping. One class of ghost might absorb extra, ambient spiritual energy from a specific realm of living beings, thus becoming Nature Spirits, while another might possess a living being to steal the energy that being might absorb, becoming a Phantom. Each type of ghost and spirit is differentiated by a different style of acquiring Spiritual Energy, and it is believed that there are many types of ghost not discovered.

If the body a soul is in is destroyed or otherwise unable to remain whole, then the soul slips back into the Spirit Realm to wait, and make the choice of reentering the life cycle, become a ghost, or remain as a soul.

Swarm (Race Page)

“Swarms have always been around, probably. I don’t know. I met a Butterfly Swarm at the trade academy, they were wild. My garden never looked more beautiful, and our children are addicted to that sweet nectar. And so am I.” ~Bob the Human

Swarms are one of the many sentient races that have spawned over time from nature. Whether this is a product of evolution, magic, or proximity to a Behemoth is unknown, but what is known is that they are eternal. This insectoid race is incredibly diverse and flexible to the ever-changing, dangerous world of Owasiwa. When they first appeared, thousands upon thousands of years ago, they were treated as monsters to be fought back. However, they earned their places in society along the rest of the races and they are as normal as the air people breath.

Physical Appearance

Swarms are beings made up of a collective of typically a single species of insect. Their shape is often humanoid to reflect those that they live among, though they are can shift this shape freely. Floating within the core of their body is a small hive or container, which houses their queens and eggs and acts as their nerve center. This Hive can be moved around their body just as freely as anything else. Within the Hive is typically one queen per year of age for the Swarm, up to about twenty or so. After that, the Swarm will often build a secondary hive somewhere hidden, often underground and much larger than that they carry. This secondary Hive allows them to regenerate their form should their primary Hive be destroyed. 

Swarms can be made up of any insects of smaller size, and are most common among insects that form hives, colony, or swarm clouds. This includes but is not limited to ants, termites, mosquitoes, bees, wasps, flies, butterflies, moths, beetles, etc. The swarm is tightly formed together typically, but each individual insect can separate if needed. They have the typical strength of a human, however, due to their much more flexible and adjustable nature, they can perform feats that appear much greater than that of the human. If they are harmed, the injured and dead individual insects will fall away, and will need to be replaced at the natural reproductive rate for their insect type. The larger a Swarm is usually indicates that it is much older and hasn’t been injured recently.


Swarms are a collective consciousness, a hive mind that has transcended to form a unique individual. Despite knowing and being an individual, the Swarm will almost always use the pronoun ‘we’ when referring to itself. In the rare time that it becomes more individualized and gendered, they almost always refer to themselves as female, which is often associated with the fact that the queen(s) rule the hive. Swarms are incredibly individual and unique, and have never seemingly formed a society or culture of their own, which some think is due to the fact that they are a living society and culture of their own. Swarms almost never practice any form of child rearing when they reproduce. However, there does seem to be some desire for them to be part of a larger society, so it is rare to find them as hermits and loners. 


Swarms may reproduce in one of three fashions; self-reproduction, typical reproduction, and humanizing. 

Self-Reproduction is when a Swarm that has already built a second hive decides to split this hive up. It will keep one portion for itself, and the other portion it will sever the hive-mind connection. This can be risky as sometimes when this happens, the severed portion never achieves its own sentience and devolves into the normal insect type. But when it works, the infantile Swarm will be born. Shortly after achieving its own sentience, the new Swarm will leave its parent and go out in the world on its own.

Typical Reproduction is when two swarms, regardless of insect type, attempt to reproduce. This is often done with them forming a single mating swarm in the safety of one of their protected, secondary hives. If their mating is successful, a smaller hive will begin to form. This new hive is much more fragile than a Self-Reproduced swarm as it takes longer to develop the initial queen and build up its insects. The insects that form this infant hive are a hybrid of the two parent insects. Once it has reached a stable population, it will typically go out on its own, but it isn’t unheard of for the Swarms to form a family mimicking those they live around.

Humanized Reproduction is when a swarm and a human can reproduce. This is the only known type of interspecies breeding involving Swarms. In the rare event this occurs, it involves the human entering the secondary hive and staying there for many days. The Swarm will often ensure the human is feed and watered and otherwise taken care of during this mating swarm. If the human is female, they will leave the hive impregnated, which will last as long as a typical human pregnancy. The child that is born will be a hybridized version of a human and Swarm’s insect type. If the human is male, when they leave the hive, a smaller hive will begin to form. This smaller hive will grow for nine months, until it will split open, revealing the hybridized human-insect child. 


Swarms enter maturity typically around 1 year though aren’t able to reproduce until around 20 years. A Swarm can live forever so long as they do not get damaged, killed, and have access to the resources they need. 

Swarm-Human hybrids will follow the typically maturation and life expectancy of a human. 


Endless lifespan

Amorphous body structure

Flight (for Swarms made up of flying insects)

Death protection with a secondary swarm


Swarms are born fluent only in the language of their insect type. They often learn the languages of the people wherever they live. 
Swarms can also communicate with one another, and with Swarm-Human hybrids, via a hive-mind like telepathy. The distance on this is no different than speaking or shouting for others. 
Swarms usually give themselves their own name, often derived from the culture they live in when they reach maturity. 

Swarm Characters


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