Jafki was the first of all of the reptilian Behemoths to come into existence, thousands of years before the defeat of the Lost One. They are one of the oldest Behemoths, and as such, among the wisest and most experienced. Jafki has grown large enough that their followers think them capable of climbing over the impassible mountains. Jafki has an entire ecosystem upon their back, a mobile oasis, water provided by the Behemoth itself. This smaller oasis is called Verktuth Village, and houses some of Jafki’s followers, as well as a vastly diverse amount of serpents.
Territory/Nomadic Range
Jafki is perpetually mobile, moving within range of the largest populations and nests of cobras throughout the region. Jafki’s route is never patterned or repetitive, and when asked by their Envoy’s, Jafki only says they move to where they will be needed. Because of this, Jafki claims no specific territory themselves, but does have one of the largest ranges.
Known Powers
Jafki is known to aid in the Spawning of serpentine races and species by their mere presence, particularly those with an affinity toward cobras.
Jafki is able to produce water through their body to sustain the ecosystem it carries.
Jafki leaves no trail in the desert, nor do any of their followers while within sensory range of Jafki.
Jafki’s venom is able to affect any being, regardless of biology.
1. All typical Cobras and Cobra subspecies.
-Spawned Races

Dahlia of Verktuth Village
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