Magitech, at its core, is the marriage of magic, the energy born from one’s soul, and mundane technology. Magitech is largely centralized, though not exclusive to, the use of magically imbued crystals. These crystals serve as a method of focus, control, and translation for magic. A mage uses their will, creativity, and desire to manipulate their magic to affect the world, at the cost of pushing too far and damaging their bodies and souls. A magitech user does not need to utilize their own magical energy, and the risk that comes with it, but they are limited to the control built into the magitech.
The crystals used in magitech are both naturally existing and created objects. Each crystal is imbued with a single magical concept and cannot hold others. They can be converted to other magical types, but all of the existing magical energy would need to be drained out of them first.
The naturally existing crystals can be found in areas of high concentrations of their existing concepts. For example, Wind Crystals can be found swirling about in the center of tornados and hurricanes, sunlight crystals found during the hottest seasons in the desert, etc. Some are more rare or difficult to find, but all magics have naturally existing crystals. For instance, Gravity Crystals can be found, but they are buried deep, deep into the world.
The magemade crystals can be crafted by a mage of the same concept. The mage must have a Personal Ability dedicated to the creation of the crystal in order to make them. The process is fairly straight forward, the mage focuses on using their Create ability, to summon their concept into existence. The mage condenses and compresses their created concept over and over again, until a crystal is formed. Creating a crystal in this fashion automatically imbues it with the magic’s concept.
Empty Crystals are those with no concept imbued into them. These can be created by Crystal Mages or by draining crystals of all of their imbued energy. Empty Crystals can be imbued by any concept
Overview To many, the Inner Districts are Oasis’ true pride and joy, the real pinnacle of all of Oasis’ achievements. The Inner Districts are a place of wealth and prestige, experimentation and pursuit, beauty and creation. The brightest minds in all of Oasis always end up in the Inner Districts, one way or another. The Inner Districts are where nearly all of the technology and magicraft of Oasis is invented, experimented upon, and produced. Nearly every person in the Inner District is somehow associated with one of the many workshops. Living here is a comfortable life, free from poverty and most hardships. However, without these particular hardships, the people here strive in fierce intellectual competitions with one another. Those here seek to further magicraft far beyond anything ever known, and every day, the boundaries of what is possible get surpassed.
Geography, Layout, and Architecture The Inner Districts sit on a very gentle grade of stone, unlike the slopes of the Outer Districts. Due to this lower grade of slope, the Inner District does not receive the special interpretation of the Law of Water that protects the view of Lake Aila. As such, the buildings here, especially the schools and workshops, often compete for height and size and beauty with one another, in an effort to both show off their achievements and attract the best, new recruits. Here, the homes are largely fashioned as a row-style homes, often sharing at least one wall with a neighbor.
The buildings here are not just built of stone, but of any wide array of materials as a method of showcasing the skills of the various craftsmen. Homes built of glass, gemstone, rare and precious metals, even wood are common. If there’s one thing that’s true about the nature of the Inner Districts is that its anything but homogenous. Every portion of it is meant to be unique, and the absolute best in all facets.
There are 6 distinct districts, separated by the roads that spiral out of Oasis in a spoke-wheel pattern. Each section is contained between the roads, but the roads are not a part of them, being property of the Senate. Each section is then split up into various neighborhoods as determined by the various cultural aspects
Governance and Laws Each of the 6 Inner Districts maintains its own District Government, which can be as wide and varied as the people living there wish them to be, so long as each district produces 3 officially elected Senators, and the District Government creates no laws that go against the Law of Water, the Law of Road, and the Law of Senate, which are the primary governing laws of Oasis and the land at large.
The Law of Water states that no being may be denied access to water. In the case of the Inner Districts, this means that people of the Inner Districts are free to access the waters of Lake Aila and Lapis River. Due to the nature of industry within the Inner Districts, it has also been determined that contamination of water, air, and soil of Oasis runs afoul of the Law of Water. Workshops and industries are required to prevent contamination and pollution. Additionally, water access is a utility, and as such, every home and business has been provided with plumbing utilities, powered by water crystals that were filled within Lake Aila or the Lapis River.
The Law of Road states that while on one of the officially maintained roads built by Oasis, no Oasis citizen is to be harmed or deprived in any fashion. And Oasis citizens are those that live within the boundaries of the roads. This grants citizenship, and thus protection, to any who live within the Central Districts, Sky Island Districts, Inner Districts, and Outer Districts.
What this ultimately means is that those living within the Outer Districts are official citizens of Oasis and are thus inherently, intrinsically, and instantly given the protections of the city. It also means that within the bounds of the Outer Districts, a citizen of Oasis has full protection.
As such, when a person is born or moves into the Outer District, they are required acquire some form of Personal Identity Crystal (PIC). These come in many forms, based on personal preference, availability, etc. Some are in the form of crystalline jewelry, some are embedded into the flesh/bodies of the people, others in the form of tattoos. Regardless of how the PIC is acquired, the possession of one is required for many aspects of Oasis life. Possession of someone else’s PIC is a capital offense under the Law of Road.
The PIC provides identity information, allows a citizen to be able to vote, allows for access to the Crystalline Mainframe, and many other invaluable services.
The Law of the Senate states that all official member districts or states of Oasis must provide 3 officially elected Senators who serve terms of 1.5 years. It also states that no member district or state may create any laws or enforced procedures that would contradict the Senate approved interpretations of the Law of Water, the Law of Road, and the Law of Senate.
Cultural Aspects The Inner Districts are widely diverse in terms of race, but are less tolerant of those who behave barbarically or irrationally. These individuals will often find themselves shunned by all until they cast themselves out. Many within the Inner Districts also struggle to tolerate or accept those that choose tradition over progression, religion and spirituality over science and knowledge. Some of the unifying experiences of citizens of the Outer Districts are as follows. 1) Nearly every person within the Inner Districts has received formal education, the highest education throughout the lands. This means most people here are not only versed in mathematics, sciences, languages, and histories, but have also begun to specialize in an aspect of these, typically in a pursuit of further advancing the field and their position within it. 2) Debate and discussion is considered one of the most important aspects of society within the Inner Districts, and thus skills in such are celebrated. However, emotional outbursts, tantrums, or violence during such things are widely frowned upon and often lead to societal shunning. 3) Most of the inhabitants of the Inner Districts are craftsmen, however, they employ a vast number of service and support personnel from the Outer Districts so that the best minds can focus fully on their crafts. This has, though, led to a pretty stark divide between the craftsmen classes and the service classes. It is notably more difficult for a service class individual to be accepted into employment over even a brand new graduate or apprentice from the craftsmen class. 4) Almost most importantly, boredom and idleness are among the greatest of cultural sins. One should always be busy with either improving themselves, their craft or field, or resting and practicing self-care. Those found consistently falling victim to sloth and apathy will often be aggressively run out of the district to make room for someone else.
Technology, Magic, and Magicraft While the mundane technology of the Inner Districts is the highest in the entirety of the city, it still pales in comparison to the technological levels of the various, specialized Outlying Territories. This is largely due to Oasis technology being heavily reliant upon magic, crystals, and the like.
And within the Inner Districts, everything is magitech. This is because each and every workshop is vying for the next, big thing, to receive contracts from the Central and Sky Districts or from the Senate itself. A few of the most well known and common magitechs is the Public Door. The main entrance of every business, service, and home within the Inner District is a Public Door. This allows anyone with a Personal Identity Crystal (PIC) to activate any of these Public Doors’ portals, and travel to any other of their choosing. This can be done with simply a thought and is a free service. It is usually instant unless the landing area of the desired exit portal is impeded. The Public Door portal will always deposit a person on the outside of the exit doorway. They also create a phase field on the backside of the portal, so if the doorway opens or someone steps through, they will walk right through the portal rather than into it.
Water is handled entirely by crystals, in sophisticated arrays, providing an onslaught of customization in terms of heat, pressure, angle, spacing, etc. Nearly every house has a portal toilet as well, which teleports the waste material out to the Heaps of one of the Farm Districts.
Other methods of transportation include crystal powered bicycles, skateboards, boots to give greater boosts to running and jumping, various flight gadgets, even floating carpets that have crystals threaded into them.
And thanks to the paranoia of many of the finest scientists and craftsmen, the Inner Districts have the most advanced magitech security in the entire region. Magic repellant paints, dead man’s portals, and many wide array of booby traps are typically active in a building if none of the registered members of that building are in it.
Personal magic is incredibly common in the Inner Districts, however, the majority of the practitioners, and certainly the best of them, tend to be citizens from the Outer Districts that have been hired on.
Food Food is wide and varied within the Inner Districts. Being an adventurous sort of people, they’ve happily accepted every known and new type of cuisine, and most culinary advancements are made in the kitchens and restaurants of the districts. The best chefs and cooks in the region work primarily in the Inner Districts and only occasionally do some work in the wealthier regions. This has caused the Farm Districts to provide the absolute best of their produce to the Inner Districts at a minimal price. As such, the Inner Districts has the widest assortment of food, the highest quality, at the cheapest prices.
Education Education is considered the most important aspect of life in the Inner Districts. As such, it is provided for free, at all levels, to all citizens of the Inner Districts. They have educational daycares for children from the day they are born until their fifth year (or equivalent for certain races), at which time they enter one of the many public schools. These schools are funded entirely by the workshops of the neighborhoods they are in, so it is often competitive to make them as good as possible. These schools provide a curriculum specific to each individual child, their rate of growth, their aptitudes and desires. Upon achieving adulthood, particularly gifted children may be taken on as apprentices in workshops, while others will go on to an Academy of their choice. Each Academy is specific to a single field of study, and there is an Academy for every field. The workshops within each field are expected to fund the Academy for that field, and they almost always do, without question. Those that fail to do so will find that no recruits come knocking on their doors after graduation.
Citizens from other districts may study in the Academies as well, but must either pay the extremely expensive fees to do so, or receive a sponsorship from a workshop’s Master. Non-citizens are refused entirely.
Healthcare Each Inner District has one larger hospital, and each individual neighborhood typically has one moderately size clinic. And while the Inner District does invite the best medical talent in the city, Oasis’ medical advancements still lag greatly behind both the mundane advances of the Outlying Territories or the spiritual healing provided by the nomadic Envoys. No known magic is able to heal wounds. That, coupled with the safe and comfortable life of many within the wealthiest districts of Oasis, very few bother to go into medicine, and very little funds get allotted for them.
Overview The Outer Districts are the 12 districts located between the roads of Korva Rinda’t, separating them from the Fringes, and Korva Sanda’t, separating them from the Inner Districts. The Outer Districts sit just below the rim of the basin the city and Lake Aila sit within. They overlook the Inner Districts, Central Districts, and Lake Aila. The Outer Districts are part of the city proper, and thus are far more well built and maintained than the neighboring Fringes. Being built just within the stone of the rim, the neighborhoods of the Outer Districts are upon a slope. The Outer Districts is the primary service sector, supplying huge amounts of the entire city’s workforce and most people here live a comfortable life. Poverty isn’t unheard of in these districts, but it is by no means commonplace either.
Geography, Layout, and Architecture The entirety of the Outer Districts is built upon thickly formed stone that slopes upward towards the rim. The roofs of the uppermost sections of the Outer District run even with the Korva Rinda’t, the road that separates the Outer Districts from the Fringes, so as to not impede the view of the city and the lake by new arrivals. The city has purchased the majority of these roofs, and most roofs in these districts, and turned them into public spaces, small parks and the like, complete with plants, crystal powered ponds and wells, and other such publicly shared niceties.
As one ventures down the slope of the districts, they’ll find the homes and businesses getting nicer and nicer as they go. Because portals are less common in these districts, many roofs are connected by stone bridges, allowing travel to flow on the roads, alleys, and rooftops with ease. Excluding the government buildings sitting upon the lake, the Outer Districts have some of the tallest buildings, some being six stories tall. Every building and home is built in an apartment building fashion.
There are 12 distinct districts, separated by the roads that spiral out of Oasis in a spoke-wheel pattern. Each section is contained between the roads, but the roads are not a part of them, being property of the Senate. Each section is then split up into various neighborhoods as determined by the various cultural aspects.
Governance and Laws Each of the 12 Outer Districts maintains its own District Government, which can be as wide and varied as the people living there wish them to be, so long as each district produces 3 officially elected Senators, and the District Government creates no laws that go against the Law of Water, the Law of Road, and the Law of Senate, which are the primary governing laws of Oasis and the land at large.
The Law of Water states that no being may be denied access to water. In the case of the Fringes, this means that people of the Fringes are free to access the waters of Lake Aila and Lapis River. It has also been interpreted and accepted that the lake facing view of buildings is a protected right by the buildings at that time, and as such, buildings can no longer be built to block these views. Additionally, water access is a utility, and as such, every home and business has been provided with plumbing utilities, powered by water crystals that were filled within Lake Aila or the Lapis River.
The Law of Road states that while on one of the officially maintained roads built by Oasis, no Oasis citizen is to be harmed or deprived in any fashion. And Oasis citizens are those that live within the boundaries of the roads. This grants citizenship, and thus protection, to any who live within the Central Districts, Sky Island Districts, Inner Districts, and Outer Districts.
What this ultimately means is that those living within the Outer Districts are official citizens of Oasis and are thus inherently, intrinsically, and instantly given the protections of the city. It also means that within the bounds of the Outer Districts, a citizen of Oasis has full protection.
As such, when a person is born or moves into the Outer District, they are required acquire some form of Personal Identity Crystal (PIC). These come in many forms, based on personal preference, availability, etc. Some are in the form of crystalline jewelry, some are embedded into the flesh/bodies of the people, others in the form of tattoos. Regardless of how the PIC is acquired, the possession of one is required for many aspects of Oasis life. Possession of someone else’s PIC is a capital offense under the Law of Road.
The PIC provides identity information, allows a citizen to be able to vote, allows for access to the Crystalline Mainframe, and many other invaluable services.
The Law of the Senate states that all official member districts or states of Oasis must provide 3 officially elected Senators who serve terms of 1.5 years. It also states that no member district or state may create any laws or enforced procedures that would contradict the Senate approved interpretations of the Law of Water, the Law of Road, and the Law of Senate.
Cultural Aspects The Outer Districts tend to be fairly diverse, as it is the entry point for most official citizens of the city. However, it is here one might find neighborhoods largely composed of people of the same race or immigrated/descended from immigrants from the same place. Some of the unifying experiences of citizens of the Outer Districts are as follows. 1) Most adults are working class, and largely work in some form of service industry. This includes shop keepers, sailors, warehouse and transportation workers, military and police, low level politicians, so on and so forth. While some production, both mundane and magicraft, exists here, it is far less common. The workshops and firms that do exist here in those industries tend to be of lower stature and skill than those in the Inner Districts. 2) Many people of the Outer Districts earned their way up, or descended from, those in the Fringes, and as such have not forgotten many of the survivalist ways of life taught there, personal protection being chief among them. 3) Due to the more comfortable nature and protection of the Outer Districts, as well as the inherent and ever growing need for service workers, families tend to grow large in the Outer Districts. Familial bonds and traditions tend to be considered one of the most important aspects of culture throughout most in the Outer Districts. 4) It is common for entire families to work within the same industry as each other, and even develop their own business. 5) Because the Outer Districts have access to public education, nearly all people can speak and read in the Common language as well as do basic, working level math and are somewhat versed in the history of Oasis and Owasiwa.
Technology, Magic, and Magicraft Technology advances as one gets closer to the center of the city and it is prominent within the Outer Districts. The majority of goods are made by the artisans of the Inner Districts, and finding those with magical enhancements isn’t particularly difficult. Hand tools and weapons found here are commonly made of glass, crystal, mid grade steel, as well as some decorative metals. Fashion and art, while typically lower class or grade than other districts, are a prominent part of life here. Homes will almost always have décor of curtains, rugs, and plants.
Additionally, the Outer Districts have access to some city provided utilities. The primary of these is plumbing. Every building is provided with the necessary piping infrastructure and water crystals necessary so all have access to clean, running water. The cheaper buildings may only have access to water that was the temperature at which the water was captured, whereas the more expensive buildings will have access to hot and cold water, though this temperature is typically controlled by the building owner or maintenance crew and is universal within the building.
There’s also a sewage system available, which connects the basements of every building together. It’s a large, walkable series of tunnels that are strictly maintained by the sewage workers. The sewage system in the buildings of the Outer Districts are almost always gravity based. This typically means shared bathing and toilet rooms per floor of an apartment building.
Personal Magic use is at its highest in the Outer Districts. Being service sector oriented, many of the people here have learned magics as a utility for their work, and many have advanced the magic to help with their various lines of work. It isn’t unusual for parents to initiate their children into magics to help with household chores and eventually develop the skills needed for work.
Magicraft is uncommon but not entirely unheard of in the Outer Districts. Many people in the districts aspire to earn their way into a workshop in the Inner Districts, as a means of moving up into a more comfortable and wealthy life. There are very few professional workshops in the Outer Districts, for there isn’t much in terms of space or safety for them, so hidden labs and workshops do exist as people try their hands at the craft.
Food The people of the Outer Districts get the last of the government mandated foods from the farms. However, this is always more than enough to provide for them, so while their quality of goods available at their own markets and such are lower, the Outer District has only ever experienced food shortages a handful of times since Oasis’ inception. Spices are also available, though expensive, but have become at least a somewhat daily use of the more commonly available herbs and spices. Spices specific to certain microcultures can usually be found within the neighborhoods associated with them, and far less likely elsewhere in the Outer Districts.
Education The people of the Outer Districts receive public education up through a basic level. The primary focuses of this education is teaching people, children or adults, how to read and write in Common, do profession oriented math such as arithmetic and book keeping, and some basic history of Oasis and Owasiwa. The schools are typically held in the public spaces on the roofs, and are open to any who show up for lessons. However, being a service for citizens, it isn’t uncommon for the police to check people who appear out of place at these and arrest them.
Healthcare Every Outer District has one singular health clinic, typically run by a single senior doctor and a large staff of assistants. Because of a wide variety of societal reasons, healthcare has been an incredibly difficult concept Oasis to try and standardize and it has crumbled many times over the city’s history. The current clinics in the Outer District are underfunded, understaffed, overworked, and typically have doctors and staff that for whatever reason, couldn’t cut it at a facility deeper into the city.
Finances and Economy Since the denizens of the Outer Districts have citizenship, and thus PICs, they can access the Crystal Coin Purse, the system built to digital record funds and transactions between all the banks. However, since none of the banks hold a physical location in the Outer Districts, it is not a service that has been fully embraced by the Outer Districts citizens. So many of them still utilize coins for trade, and bartering isn’t entirely unheard of, though it is viewed as a bit lower class due to its common occurrence in both the Fringes and among the nomads.
Sections and Neighborhoods
These will be fleshed out In Character (IC) on a first come, first served basis by the writers playing in these areas and/or those using them in reference to character creation.
Section J – Unnamed, no description yet. Between Lapis River and Biksanda (road). Borders Korva Rinda’t and Fringe District Jf outwardly, and Korva Sanda’t and Inner District D inwardly.
Section K – Unnamed, no description yet. Between Biksanda and Alikta roads. Borders Korva Rinda’t and Fringe District Kf outwardly, and Korva Sanda’t and Inner District D inwardly.
Section L – Unnamed, no description yet. Between Alikta and Clyikrocka roads. Borders Korva Rinda’t and Fringe District Lf outwardly, and Korva Sanda’t and Inner District E inwardly.
Section M – Unnamed, no description yet. Between Clyikrocka and Skyatera roads. Borders Korva Rinda’t and Fringe District Mf outwardly, and Korva Sanda’t and Inner District E inwardly.
Section N – Unnamed, no description yet. Between Skyatera and Raishagema roads. Borders Korva Rinda’t and Fringe District Nf outwardly, and Korva Sanda’t and Inner District F inwardly.
Section O – Unnamed, no description yet. Between Raishagema and Darikta roads. Borders Korva Rinda’t and Fringe District Of outwardly, and Korva Sanda’t and Inner District F inwardly.
Section P – Unnamed, no description yet. Between Darikta and Fasikinda roads. Borders Korva Rinda’t and Fringe District Of outwardly, and Korva Sanda’t and Inner District G inwardly.
Section Q – Unnamed, no description yet. Between Fasikinda and U’uratera roads. Borders Korva Rinda’t and Fringe District Qf outwardly, and Korva Sanda’t and Inner District G inwardly.
Section R – Unnamed, no description yet. Between U’uratera and Dusirifurya roads. Borders Korva Rinda’t and Fringe District Rf outwardly, and Korva Sanda’t and Inner District H inwardly.
Section S – Unnamed, no description yet. Between Dusirifurya and Maniminikta roads. Borders Korva Rinda’t and Fringe District Sf outwardly, and Korva Sanda’t and Inner District H inwardly.
Section T – Unnamed, no description yet. Between Maniminikta and Gentreezy roads. Borders Korva Rinda’t and Harbor District Tf outwardly, and Korva Sanda’t and Inner District I inwardly.
Section U – Unnamed, no description yet. Between Gentreezy (road) and Lapis River. Borders Korva Rinda’t and Harbor District Uf outwardly, and Korva Sanda’t and Inner District I inwardly.
Overview The Fringes are the outer most portion of the city of Oasis, beyond the Korva Rinda’t, the outer most circular road. The Fringes sit upon the sands that overlook the basin the rest of the city sits within. Because of this, the Fringes are more directly exposed to the winds of the desert, without the cooling protection of Lake Aila. The Fringes are largely lawless, only being held to the Law of Water and the Law of Road. Because the Fringes are viewed as beyond the “proper” bounds of the city, they do not receive representation in the Senate, and thus do not receive any of the benefits of the Senate’s protection. The Fringes govern themselves, splintered into a wide variety of neighborhoods, factions, and gangs, all vying for some form of control over the only resource they have access to: people who are desperate for money and a better life. Geography, Layout, and Architecture While the other districts of Oasis are built upon stone, the Fringes have received no such luxury. They exist upon the sands themselves, with a few patches of rock, and as such, this has shifted the district to grow outward rather than upward. There are 12 distinct sections known as the Fringes, separated by the roads that spiral out of Oasis in a spoke-wheel pattern. Each section is contained between the roads, but the roads are not a part of them. Each section is then split up into various neighborhoods as determined by the various cultural aspects.
The architecture of the Fringes is basic and primitive. Structures typically aren’t able to be built higher than two stories. Homes are typically built as tents/pavilions, adobe/cob, and rarely, sandstone. Geographically speaking, the Fringes covers just as much land as all the other districts combined.
Governance and Laws The Fringes are only governed by the same laws that Oasis forces upon all of Owasiwa, the same two laws that were agreed upon by the Nomadic peoples and the Outlying Territories at the formation of Oasis; The Law of Water and the Law of Road.
The Law of Water states that no being may be denied access to water. In the case of the Fringes, this means that people of the Fringes are free to access the waters of Lake Aila and Lapis River.
The Law of Road states that while on one of the officially maintained roads built by Oasis, no Oasis citizen is to be harmed or deprived in any fashion. And Oasis citizens are those that live within the boundaries of the roads. This grants citizenship, and thus protection, to any who live within the Central Districts, Sky Island Districts, Inner Districts, and Outer Districts.
What this ultimately means is that those living within the Fringes are not official citizens of Oasis and are thus without the protections of the city. It also means that within the loose bounds of the Fringes, a citizen of Oasis has no protection either.
Beyond those two laws of the land, there are no unifying laws for the Fringes. The Fringes are fragmented and split among many fault lines, divided formally by the roads that branch out from Oasis and informally by cultural lines. In some parts of the Fringes, neighborhoods are self-protecting and communal, keeping the peace through unification. In others, gangs and factions have taken control and work to expand their territories through force. And still, some are entirely anarchistic, where it is simply survival of the fittest and smartest.
Cultural Aspects The Fringes are the most diverse region of Oasis, despite not being a formal part of the city. A few of the biggest unifying experiences for the citizens of the Fringes are: 1) The vast majority of the population lives in poverty. 2) People of the Fringes have almost all either learned to protect themselves or to be protected by another, from the elements of the desert, the creatures and monsters of the desert, and the other people of the Fringes. 3) The primary economies of the Fringes are either as a) Resource Gatherers from the wilds, supplying materials to those within Oasis proper; b) service workers for those in the Outer District; c) criminality, i.e. taking resources, services, or land from others.
Technology, Magic, and Magicraft Technology within the Fringes tends to be largely primitive, especially in comparison to the rest of Oasis. Most goods are made by hand and are mundane in nature. Hand tools and weapons made of bone, stone, glass, and common metals (copper, bronze, iron, low grade steel) are easily found.
Magicraft within the Fringes is mostly non-existent for two fundamental reasons. The first is that many of the tools and materials to work on such things are quite expensive and can be difficult to come by. And the second is that anyone who shows any particular talent at magicraft tends to be recruited by a workshop in the city, and thus given a chance at a better life.
Personal Magic use is highly prevalent in the Fringes, though typically at lower levels of strength and competency. In the Fringes, it is viewed as a tool and a method of survival. Wood is difficult to come by, so fire magics are common as sources of heat, cooking, cleaning, etc. Wind is a constant issue, so wind magic is often used to keep houses from being too breezy. Metal, stone, and other mages are often making tools to be used and sold by the people of the Fringes.
Food Food is one of the most difficult and troubling resources for people in the Fringes to acquire. This is largely due to their not being an official part of the city. Oasis subsidizes large amounts of the farms along the Lapis River and demands large percentages of the food crops to specifically go to the city. Remaining crops can be sold to whoever else the farmers wish, and this is typically done at a large mark up. Food is typically acquired by purchasing from markets within the Outer Districts, purchasing from the nomads that venture close to Oasis, or to go hunt and gather on one’s own.
Education Due to the Fringes not being a part of the city, there is no method of formal education for them. Children typically are raised in the profession of a parent or guardian, and when they are old enough to fend for themselves, they do so. This typically creates a common mindset of independence and a self-driven capacity for improvement in many of the inhabitants of the Fringes.
Healthcare The Fringes has no formal healthcare facilities, which are rare even within Oasis. However, the Fringes does have seemingly more access to healthcare than Oasis, due to both the necessity of it in an unprotected region and the proximity to the nomads. Envoys living among, or visiting, the Fringes are common enough, and many of them will host Venturings to take people to the Spirit Realm for healing, and some have some direct healing abilities as well, though these are much more rare.
Finances and Economy The inhabitants of the Fringes do not inherently receive citizenship, and therefore do not gain access to the Crystalline Mainframe. Without this, they are unable to have an account at any of the city banks, and as such, must use physical money or bartering as a source of trade. There are no banks within the Fringes, but loan sharks are highly prevalent.
Sections and Neighborhoods These will be fleshed out In Character (IC) on a first come, first served basis by the writers playing in these areas and/or those using them in reference to character creation.
Section Jf – Unnamed, no description yet. Between Lapis River and Biksanda (road). Borders Korva Rinda’t and Outer District J and the first Farm District on the south side of the Lapis River.
Section Kf – Unnamed, no description yet. Between Biksanda and Alikta roads. Borders Korva Rinda’t and Outer District K.
Section Lf – Unnamed, no description yet. Between Alikta and Clyikrocka roads. Borders Korva Rinda’t and Outer District L.
Section Mf – Unnamed, no description yet. Between Clyikrocka and Skyatera roads. Borders Korva Rinda’t and Outer District M.
Section Nf – Unnamed, no description yet. Between Skyatera and Raishagema roads. Borders Korva Rinda’t and Outer District N.
Section Of – Unnamed, no description yet. Between Raishagema and Darikta roads. Borders Korva Rinda’t and Outer District O.
Section Pf – Unnamed, no description yet. Between Darikta and Fasikinda roads. Borders Korva Rinda’t and Outer District P.
Section Qf – Unnamed, no description yet. Between Fasikinda and U’uratera roads. Borders Korva Rinda’t and Outer District Q.
Section Rf – Unnamed, no description yet. Between U’uratera and Dusirifurya roads. Borders Korva Rinda’t and Outer District R.
Section Sf – Unnamed, no description yet. Between Dusirifurya and Maniminikta roads. Borders Korva Rinda’t and Outer District S.
Section Tf – Unnamed, no description yet. Between Maniminikta and Gentreezy roads. Borders Korva Rinda’t and Outer District T.
Section Uf – Unnamed, no description yet. Between Gentreezy (road) and Lapis River. Borders Korva Rinda’t and Outer District U and the first Farm District on the north side of the Lapis River.
The Fry Pan – Neighborhood, not yet placed into a Section.
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