The Main Hub for All Owasiwa Lore

Author: beardmigo Page 3 of 12


The art and science of mapmaking.

Cartography (Terrestrial) – Making maps of the surface ground
Cartography (Subterranean) – Making maps of below ground structures, such as tunnels and caves.
Cartography (Nautical) – Making maps for large bodies of water.
Cartography (Subnautical) – Making maps for the depths of a body of water, including the floor of it.
Cartography (Aeronautical) – Making maps for the air overhead.
Cartography (Celestial) – Making maps of the stars, moons, and planets in the sky.
Cartography (Urban) – Making maps of cities, towns, and villages.


The branch of science concerned with the substances of which matter is composed, the investigation of their properties and reactions, and the use of such reactions to form new substances.

Chemistry (Organic)
Chemistry (Inorganic)
Chemistry (Analytical)
Chemistry (Physical)
Chemistry (Biochemistry)


The practice or skill of preparing food by combining, mixing, and heating ingredients.


The art of writing or solving codes.

Cryptography (Encryption) – Hiding something in code.
Cryptography (Decryption) – Solving the code.


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The practice of lying or otherwise obscuring the truth or reality from another.

Deception (Acting) – This is a performance based skill, often used to play a role for the entertainment of others.

Deception (Social) – This is the deception of others through conversation and social settings.

Deception (Fraud) – This is the deception through the use of faked, physical objects and/or the assumption of a false or stolen identity.


The use of personal sensory organs to obtain information from the world.

Detection (Sight) – The use of eyesight to better understand the visual world.
Detection (Sound) – The use of hearing to better understand the auditory world.
Detection (Taste) – The use of taste to better understand the world of flavors.
Detection (Smell) – The use of smell to better understand the odorous world.
Detection (Touch) – The use of touch to better understand the textile world.
Detection (Magical) – The use of an extrasensory magical ability to better understand the magical world.


The controlled behavior resulting from training one’s mind to follow a system of rules or a code.

Discipline (Combat) – Maintaining one’s composure while in a combat or similarly extreme physical situation.

Discipline (Social) – Maintaining one’s desired self within a social setting. Also provides an ability to detect and protect one’s self from social manipulations.

Discipline (Personal) – Maintaining one’s personal drive and focus on a task.


To give (someone or oneself) a different appearance.

Disguise (Cosmetology) – The use of makeup and cosmetics to enhance or conceal details about one’s self, typically in regards to the face or skin.

Disguise (Costume) – The utilization of various garments to craft an appearance to hide one’s identity.


The branch of science and technology concerned with the design, building, and use of engines, machines, and structures.

Engineering (Chemical) – The production of chemicals at a larger scale. Must be paired with a Chemistry skill.
Engineering (Civil) – The production of roads, tunnels, bridges, sewers, and other infrastructure.
Engineering (Energy) – The production of systems powered by various energy sources, including magical.
Engineering (Mechanical) – The production of machines and tools.
Engineering (Environmental) – Develops solutions to environmental problems
Engineering (Marine) – The production of ships and other water vessels.

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